特定非営利活動法人 ヒューマンインタフェース学会

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招待講演2:Designing with People? participatory methodologies as a spur to inclusion and innovation
招待講演3:Technology and happiness




講師:国本 利文(ヤマハ)
司会:才脇 直樹(甲南大学)

kunimoto.jpg ヤマハの電子楽器開発は、エレクトーンをはじめとする電子楽器や音楽教育の普及に重要な役割を果たしてきました。そこから育った音楽家たちの、現代の音楽シーンにおける活躍を思い出していただくと、ヤマハの電子楽器が単なる一企業の製品という枠組みを超えて、広く社会や文化の創造に役立っている事を容易にご想像いただけるものと思いますし、またそれ故に、製品を通じて社会にインパクトを与える充実感を味わうこともできます。


※招待講演1 & 特別展示のみ参加希望のかたはコチラをご覧下さい。



「Designing with People? participatory methodologies as a spur to inclusion and innovation」

講師:Julia Cassim(Kyoto Institute of Technology)
司会:櫛 勝彦(京都工芸繊維大学)


More than any other design discipline, interaction design has laid bare the scale and consequences of design exclusion in this new digital age.  In the past, products were often separate and self-sufficient entities created for a specific and visible purpose that was achieved primarily through good physical design and engineering. Their usage depended upon a fixed, generally linear, set of operational logic following conventions, which did not change radically with each new product offer.
The digital age brought with it a paradigm shift in this old conceptual equation. Products whose fundamental purpose was communication ? human-to-human, human-to-service or human-to-system ? lost their independent status, becoming instead the primary interface to something greater than themselves.  Others, like the mobile phone, were transformed conceptually from being a simple instrument for direct communication between two individuals into ubiquitous devices.  Their multiplicity of functions meant that their operational logic was no longer evident physically or conceptually ? a problem that good ergonomics alone could not resolve.  From this mismatch of human and product was born the new phenomenon of digital design exclusion in which large sections of the population were excluded from full access to the services on which they depend or from the benefits of products that could potentially enhance their quality of life.
Through the medium of design case studies, my presentation will focus on how inclusive design as an interdisciplinary methodology and participatory process can be a route to design innovation and better design.



「Technology and happiness」

講師;Norman Alm(University of Dundee/CIRCA connect)
司会:桑原 教彰(京都工芸繊維大学)


Over the years there has been an Increasing sophistication of how we make use of computers.  At first we used computers to manipulating our environment, numbers and language.  Among other applications we developed calculators,  spreadsheets,  and assistive technology for physical impairments.  This last application included environmental control and communication systems.
As the technology became faster and less obtrusive, it made possible providing cognitive support for us, in the form of reminders,  organisers and assistive technology for cognitive impairments.
Now we are exploring the overlap between technology and our emotions, to develop systems that supply emotional support and augment our emotional lives.  Such systems include social networking, that gives us contact and communication with others, but also allows us to enhance this with alternative ways of interacting with others.  It is possible with computer-mediated communication to take on different  roles, including different gender identities.  The reduced inhibition provided by the anonymity and speed of online communication adds momentum to these possibilities.  There is of course a negative side to this development : flaming, trolls, and cyberbullying, are examples of undesirable new  phenomena which have emerged in this environment.
Is it possible for technology to play a part in making us happier ?  Some components of happiness are fun, empowerment, creativity and communication.  Experiencing  simple fun is possible through a wide range of games.  Creativity can be exercised through story-building, music and art applications.  Empowerment can be encouraged to some extent through flash-mobs, on-line petitions, and direct online contact with powerful people through twitter.  Communication and collaboration at a distance can be enhanced through social networking.
An example of a system that was designed to increase the users’ happiness is  CIRCA - a touchscreen communication support system for older people with dementia.  The system was designed to help create moments of connection and empowerment for people with dementia, for whom such moments are so often rare or non-existent.  For its success CIRCA depends on a very large collection of carefully chosen and edited media  as well as a way of exploring the content which is effortless, both for a person with dementia, and their carer or relative.  In trials, the system showed itself superior to reminiscence sessions conducted without technology, because it allowed the person with dementia to control the flow of the conversation, providing empowerment, as well as communication and fun.


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