特定非営利活動法人 ヒューマンインタフェース学会

ホーム > イベント > 特別講演会 > 高インタラクティブなウェブキャスティングシステムにおけるユーザエクスペリエンスの研究



「高インタラクティブなウェブキャスティングシステムにおけるユーザエクスペリエンスの研究 (User Experience Research Challenges in Highly Interactive Webcasting)」

開催日 2007年0月0日
主催 慶應義塾大学SFCインタラクションデザインラボ ヒューマンインタフェース学会
協賛 ノキア・ジャパン株式会社
概要と狙い 本講演では、トロント大学で開発されたインタラクティブなウェブキャスティングシステムePresenceについて、システムの概要を説明し、利用評価を通じて得られた知見を報告する。
講 師

ロナルド・ベッカー(Ronald Baecker)
トロント大学知識メディアデザイン研究所およびコンピュータサイエンス学部教授。HCI, ソフトウェア視覚化、マルチメディア、コンピュータに支援された協調作業/学習、ソフトウェア起業の分野におけるアクティブな研究者であり教育者である。



日 時


会 場

ノキア・ジャパン株式会社 4階ラウンジ
東京都目黒区下目黒1-8-1 アルコタワー4階






10:00 開場 受付開始
10:30-10:40 講師紹介
10:40-11:40 講演
11:40-12:00 質疑応答




溝渕 佐知(ノキア・ジャパン株式会社)
Tel: 03-5437-3604


Media spaces are environments that incorporate computer and communication technologies, typically including the Internet, to allow distributed groups of individuals to interact in real-time. My talk will begin by reviewing past media space work on desktop videoconferencing, electronic classrooms, and meeting capture, especially projects at Xerox, Toronto, Sun, Berkeley, Microsoft, and Georgia Tech. We focus particularly on webcasting as an interesting media space that has excellent potential for scalability across a large number of sites. The downside is that webcasting is typically a one-way broadcast from a transmitter to a multitude of receivers, and an ephemeral event that exists only during the live broadcast.

The Toronto ePresence Interactive Media system creates a media space that allows distributed groups of individuals to participate and interact in webcast events such as lectures, and to do so before, during, and after the event. ePresence incorporates a modular Web services architecture and XML-based data structures to facilitate interfacing with other eLearning, collaboration, and content management applications. The system currently being distributed supports the broadcasting of video, audio, slides, and screen captures; concurrent slide review; integrated moderated chat and VoIP support for questions and discussion; tailorable skins; the automated creation of embeddable, structured, navigable, and searchable event archives; and the bookmarking and tagging of points in archived presentations. Speakers are not forced to use Powerpoint - ePresence transmits several rich media presentation formats. The system is highly cross-platform, supports audio-only viewing at bandwidths as low as 56K, and is being distributed as open source source software. I shall introduce the system and describe some eLearning and medical education projects to which it has been applied.

Perhaps the most important achievement is the creation of a flexible, modular, extensible infrastructure for exploring frontiers of collaboration technologies, for example the following research challenges:
*evaluating the use of ePresence in real eLearning and medical education applications
*combining webcasting to many viewers with videoconferencing to a few participants
*more generally, combining webcasting with webconferencing
*enhancing in-room awareness of remote participants via text chat displays and webcam slow scan video
*enabling persistent conversation over webcasts (both live and archived) for learning communities
*achieving voice recognition of lectures, and solving human factors issues in using imperfect transcripts.
We shall report on recent results in tackling these challenges, and areas where work remains to be done.


Ronald Baecker is Professor of Computer Science, Bell University Laboratories Chair in Human-Computer Interaction, founder and Chief Scientist of the Knowledge Media Design Institute at the University of Toronto, and also Affiliate Scientist with the Kunin-Lunenfeld Applied Research Unit of Baycrest. Baecker is Principal Investigator of the CDN$5.5M Canada-wide NSERC Network for Effective Collaboration Technologies through Advanced Research (NECTAR), has been named one of the 60 Pioneers of Computer Graphics by ACM SIGGRAPH, has been elected to the CHI Academy by ACM SIGCHI, and has been awarded the Canadian Human Computer Communications Society Achievement Award and the ORION Leadership Award of Merit. He is an active researcher and lecturer on HCI, software visualization, multimedia, computer-supported cooperative work and learning, and software entrepreneurship. He has published over 125 papers and articles, is author or co-author of four books and co-holder of 2 patents, and has founded and run two software companies. His current entrepreneurial venture is a virtual non-profit foundation within the University of Toronto to distribute and support ePresence using an open source software strategy (http://epresence.tv). His B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. are from M.I.T.